How To Bring Your Brand To Life In Words - With Mollie Marrocco

Episode #77

Tom Bailey, founder of Succeed Through Speaking, interviews Mollie Marrocco. Mollie Marrocco is a Brand Coach and Content Strategist (which basically means she helps people figure out what to write on their website and Instagram). She helps her clients either through coaching so they feel confident about the content they’re creating, or “done for you” copy if they don’t want to do the writing part themselves. Most people struggle to get the thoughts that are in their heads to make sense when they're written down, but Mollie has a knack for taking those ideas and turning them into a clear, consistent brand message and an effective content strategy for her clients. Why you've got to check out Mollie's episode: - Discover how Mollie helps creative entrepreneurs and coaches who really struggle to speak about their business online, what copy to post on their website or social media challenges. - Learn the biggest challenge for these businesses which is "How to I speak about myself and my business online in a way that speaks directly to my ideal clients". - Understand how much time, energy and money you can waste while you are trying to figure out how to do this yourself effectively. And the importance of creating an effective strategy that can run on auto-pilot. - Why you need to keep your content focused on your client through either entertaining them or educating them and why this will increase their attention on you and your brand. - How to get access to Mollies 17 page content guide with over 30 original ideas of what you can post on social media. Resources / Links ( (